9th International Conference on the
Welfare Assessment of Animals at Farm Level (WAFL)

Submit your abstract

Instructions for Authors

  • Abstracts must be written in English. Linguistic accuracy is the responsibility of the authors.
  • The abstract must not exceed 2,500 characters (including title, authors, addresses, spaces, and punctuation).
  • References, figures and tables should not be included.
  • Abstracts presenting innovative ideas, theoretical concepts, and/or empirical work will be considered.
  • Abstracts must contain a clear statement of the purpose of the work, the methods used, results (for empirical studies) and conclusions.
  • Abstracts on empirical studies must indicate the method(s) of analysis, contain data (means, variation, etc.), and provide information about test statistics (e.g. P- values).
  • Results should be presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions drawn.
  • Each presenting author may not submit more than two proposals. If two presentations are accepted for a presenting author, at least one will be a poster.
  • During the registration process you will be asked to select keywords for your abstract, so please select the species or topic that is most appropriate. This will not impact how your abstract will be reviewed, or assigned to a session.
  • All abstracts submitted must comply with the “Guidelines for Ethical Treatment of Animals in Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare Research” prepared by the ISAE Ethics Committee.